By Kristy Harris
Photography by Lisa Taylor Hall
Isn’t it wonderful how the scent of certain foods has the magical ability to unlock core memories? For me, it is the smell of my grandmother’s rolls cooking in the oven. The kind of rolls that require days to prepare and are reserved for special occasions. The smell of those rolls instantly teleports me back to being a little girl at Thanksgiving or Christmas in my grandmother’s kitchen. I can remember so vividly my grandma using her butter-coated hands to carefully and meticulously roll the three little spheres that would be gently placed into each muffin cup. Then placed on top of the stove to rise. When she would begin to bake them, the sweet, yeasty aroma would fill the room, and you knew it was almost time for dinner. The rolls were best served hot and fresh so that you could tuck a pad of butter to melt inside the center of the three, now overfilled, spheres that made a perfect clover. While the recipe is rather simple, I have tried for several years to reach the same expert level as my grandma, but they just aren’t the same. I will keep trying!
Read the full article on Issuu >> Dec 2024-Jan 2025 Issue
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